If you love cozies, then you'll love meeting my cozy mystery author friends! This month I'm excited to introduce you to Sarah E. Burr, the author of soooooo many good series! No, seriously, go check them ALL out at https://bit.ly/booksbysarah.
About Sarah:
Sarah E. Burr is the award-winning author of the Glenmyre Whim Mysteries, Trending Topic Mysteries, Book Blogger Mysteries, and Court of Mystery series. She also co-hosts It’s Bookish Time TV, a cozy web channel featuring live author chats. When she’s not crafting twisty whodunits, Sarah can be found reading mysteries and manga, playing video games, or strolling around with her adorable pup, Eevee. Want to stay connected and snag free short stories? Join her newsletter here: https://bit.ly/saraheburrbookssignup.
Tell us the name of your main characters. If you had to describe them in only three words, what would they be?
Coco Cline from the Trending Topic Mysteries: fierce, fun, fabulous
Winnie Lark from the Book Blogger Mysteries: loyal, determined, bookish
Hazel Wickbury from the Glenmyre Whim Mysteries: dedicated, kind, mystical
Is there something your protagonist can't live without? What and why?
Social media influencer Coco Cline wouldn't make it very far without her phone, but she also couldn't live without the Sleuth Squad (her partners in crime-solving fun).
Who would play your character in the tv/movie version of your book?
I'd love to see Sarah Drew play Hazel Wickbury from the Glenmyre Whim Mysteries -- she'd have to wear a dark brown wig and glasses, though!
Does your sleuth have a pet? If so, what's their name and animal type? If not, what kind of pet would they love to have?
Winnie Lark begins her sleuthing adventures in "Over My Dead Blog" with her giant orange domestic shorthair cat, Langdon (named after one of her favorite hunky literary professors, Robert Langdon). Hazel adopts a cat and a dog in "Too Much to Candle."
If your sleuth was giving a tour of your town/setting, where would they take the reader to first? Why did they choose that spot?
If you're visiting Crucible in the Glenmyre Whim Mysteries, Hazel would take you to Cold Cauldron Brewing first thing for a drink and some pub trivia! With a supernatural twist, Hazel feels right at home in the brewery.
Now let's find out a little bit about you! Who or what first inspired you to write mysteries?
Nancy Drew has always been and will forever be my role model.
Where do you do most of your writing? Do you have any rituals or must-haves?
When it's warm outside, I love to sit out on my porch with my laptop and write. I'm so much more productive in summer months.
Rapid fire questions!
Tea, coffee, or something else? Coffee
Cats, dogs, or another animal? Dogs
Dream vacation spot? London
Favorite time to write: morning, afternoon, nighttime? 11am to 2pm
A random fact about you that might surprise readers? I love to sing and act in musicals
Lastly, where can readers connect with you?
Website: https://www.saraheburr.com
Newsletter: https://bit.ly/saraheburrbookssignup
Socials: https://bit.ly/sarahsocialmediahub
Psst... Here's The Bookish Hour that Sarah hosts with writer J.C. Kenney. You might see someone familiar being interviewed in this episode and all her ridiculous facial expressions. LOL!